Tuesday, May 22, 2018


The French striker Antoine Greizmann who has been playing in Spain for a few years now with the Madrid club Atletico Madrid., for the past few years now. He even stayed on at Atletico Madrid , when the Spanish club , Atletico Madrid were punished by F.I.F.A for signing under age players, he had stayed on as the club Atletico Madrid were banned from buying new players for six months. Now everything is settled after Lionel Messi wrote a letter requesting him to join Barcelona. He has now even agreed personal terms with Barcelona, and is now willing to go ahead and sign a five year contract with Barcelona. But his coming to Barcelona has caused some problems as well, according to the Bye laws of Barcelona, the club can only spend 70 seventy percent of its yearly income on the salary of the players, and they have now reached that figure already. So some players will be sold out like Alexis Vidal, Andrea Gomes, and even Luis Suarez. He will be getting a yearly salary of 15, fifteen million Euros., or 13, thirteen million pounds a year. But Barcelona will only sell Luis Suarez , if the club can recoup the money they invested in buying him.

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