Saturday, May 12, 2018


Neymar got to greedy and left Barcelona to join the French giants P.S.G for a ne world record of 222 two hundred and twenty two million EUROS, or 198 one hundred and ninety eight million pounds. And he is getting a yearly salary of 30 thirty million pounds. But Neymar learnt things the very hard way In Paris, not only did he break his leg but he was always having fights with Uruguayan striker Edison Cavani, the reason being both the strikers had a clause in their contract which said that the footballer who scores the most goals in a season will get one million pounds as extra salary. And the French League is something like Scotland , with Celtic winning each year. Now Jose Mourinho and Manchester United have entered the picture to buy Neymar, till now it was only Real Madrid who were clear wanting to buy Neymar., and were even willing to clear dead wood as well as sell few players to generate funds to buy Neymar. Manchester United are now willing to buy Neymar for 200 two hundred million pounds and are willing to pay Neymar a yearly salary of 30, thirty million pounds. Neymar thought that by leaving Barcelona P.S,G would be better, but the grass is never greener on the other side .

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