Tuesday, June 5, 2018


The Russian billionaire Roman Abramovich , who is the owner of the English football club Chelsea. But now his Business Visa has expired. And so he no longer can enter England legally as he does not posses a valid visa. England have said that the visa was delayed and not denied all together. But now Roman Abramovich as got a Israeli passport and is a citizen of Israel. But England have made it very clear that the Russian can not use his Israeli passport and enter England and the U.K , if and when he pleases. If he does enter England he could very well be arrested and deported as well. As he no longer willing to invest money in the U.K, as they refuse to give him a visa. So the latest on Chelsea is hat he is willing to sell Chelsea for 1.17 BILLION pounds. Mind you e had brought Chelsea for 140 one hundred and forty million pounds in 2003. But he wants to recoup the money he had invested in Chelsea.

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