Tuesday, June 26, 2018


It is now very possible that Real Madrid will be willing to sell their forward Marco Asensio to te English club Liverpool . But one thing is quite clear here he will not be coming cheap, as Real Madrid are willing to sell their forward for 158, one hundred and fifty eight million only. And now the reason Real Madrid are willing to sell Marco Asensio is that Real Madrid's president Florentino Peres who is known for very big spending's with two world record as well. Now there are talks in the MEDIA, that both the big stars of Real Madrid Cristiano Ronaldo and Gareth Bale may be leaving the Spanish giants Real Madrid in the summer transfer window. But it is now clear Real Madrid need a lot of money now, as Banks no longer give money to Real Madrid like before. So they will have to sell players to generate funs to buy players. Real Madrid and Florentino Peres want to buy Neymar from P.S.G. But he will not e coming cheap either, he will be costing a huge 268, two hundred and sixty eight million pounds. Will we be seeing the end of the famous B.B.C at Real Madrid. Gareth Bale, Kareem Benzema and Cristiano Ronaldo.?

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