Thursday, July 19, 2018


According to THE Metro, which has said that Chelsea has now agreed the price to sell Eden Hazard to the Spanish giants Real Madrid , and the price is a little less then what Chelsea were asking for. Chelsea were wanting a huge sum of 200 , two hounded million pounds for Eden Hazard, and this would clearly make him the worlds costliest footballer ever. But instead Chelsea and Real Madrid have now agreed to the price of 190 one hundred and ninety million EUROS, or 170, one hundred and seventy million pounds. Now the lawyers for the clubs and the agents will sit down and thrash out the other minor and major terms for the transfer deal. But the main reason Eden Hazard wanted to leave Chelsea was because this year 2018/2019 Chelsea are not playing in the champion league, and also the sacking of Antonio Conte, to played a part in his decision to leave Chelsea. It was also reported that Barcelona were willing to give a player and cash to buy Eden Hazard, the player was Ousmane Dembele .

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