Wednesday, July 18, 2018


According to THE METRO, Liverpool have now gone and finally decided to buy the young Brazilian goalkeeper Allison Becker , from the Italian giants A.S. Roma. Liverpool were first not so sure to keep Loris Kairus as their main goalkeeper for the new season but after a few blunders in the champion league, and another won before the season starts. Now Jurgen Klopp has finally decided to buy a new goalkeeper and he is the Brazilian goalkeeper Allison Becker. But mind you he will not be coming cheap in any way, he will be costing roughly 67, sixty seven million pounds, that is the actual figure is 66.8 million pounds. And now this makes him the costliest goalkeeper ever , he over takes another Brazilian Ederson , who joined Manchester City from the Portuguese club Benfica, for 35 , thirty five million pounds. Now Allison Becker just needs only a medical test to finally move to Liverpool.

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