Friday, August 24, 2018


It was reported in THE DAILY MAIL, that the cousin of Sheikh Mansoor, the ruler of the United Arab Emirates, Sheikh Khaled who was very keen to buy the English club Liverpool. And there had been plenty of talks between the to parties, in fact the talks started in the year 2017 to the early beginning of 2018. The huge amount the Sheikh was willing to pay to buy Liverpool was a massive amount of two Billion pounds, and if this deal had really gone through it would have been a new record for the costliest sale of a club in football history. Now the owners of Liverpool Mr John Henry said that he was never ever interested in selling Liverpool, but he did admit that he is looking for people making big investment in Liverpool. But the very big question I ask here is if Liverpool were not at all going to sell the club , then why hold tals for nearly a year and a half.

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