Monday, August 20, 2018


The German goal keeper Loris Kairus who had a horrible champion league final match against Real Madrid verses Liverpool. He was guilty of two major blunders in letting the Spanish giants Real Madrid score goals and win their third champion league in a row. But one thing is very clear here that we should not be very harsh on Loris Kairus., as he had a very bad head collusion with the Real Madrid's beast called Sergio Ramos. He was suffering from concussion , that is seeing double objects , not doing the right pass example he passed the ball instead to a Liverpool player he passed it to Kareem Benzema instead. Liverpool sent Loris Kairus to the U.S.A to do the tests required to confirm the head injury. And the medical reports confirmed their worst fears as 26 of the 30 tests done were positive. But now Loris Kairus has ended his Liverpool nightmare as he is got a two year lone deal with the Turkish club Besiktas.

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