Tuesday, August 7, 2018


The majority shareholder of Arsenal the American Sam Kroenke ,who is today holding a total of 67, sixty seven percent of the Arsenal shares, and the second highest share holder is the Russian Alisher Usmanov who today was holding a total of 30 thirty percent of Arsenal shares. Now both of the main Arsenal share holders Sam Kroenke and Alisher Asmanov have agreed that Sam Kroenke, that those 30, thirty percent of the shares owned by the Russian Alisher Asmanov will be sold to the American for a total sum of 550, five hundred and fifty million pounds. Alisher Usmanov had these shares of Arsenal for eleven years. But he then decided to sell his shares and walk away from Arsenal, as he had now realized that he would never ever be the major Share holder of Arsenal, even as he tried to buy the shares owned by Sam Kroenke. and it was flatly rejected. Now each Arsenal share was costing a sum of 29,419 pounds.

1 comment:

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