Friday, October 26, 2018


The Chilean striker Alexis Sanchez has now decided which club he wants to join in the January transfer window. And he has chosen the French giants P.S.G, but there re a few questions bout if this move from Manchester United to P.S.G will work out. But one thing is clear the Manchester United club and their fans will nit miss him at all. What me must know he is that he is the highest paid footballer at Manchester United, getting a weekly salary of 500,000 five hundred thousand pounds, please note his weekly salary is 350,000 three hundred and fifty thousand pounds, but he is getting other money like from Image rights and so on. But what is really worrying here is, even as he is the highest paid player at Manchester United, he is not even getting a starting place for the matter he is now sitting out on the bench. His confidence and his big ego are taking a real big pounding for sure. But the big question here is do P.S.G need him now, as they have Neymar and Kylian Mbappe, at P.S.G with big salaries of Neymar ,Kylian Mbappe and Angel Di Maria as well.

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