Wednesday, October 24, 2018


Now Julien Lupetegui joined the Spanish giants Real Madrid four months ago only, yes it is a short time to judge a person, but at Real Madrid the club want to hire and to fire the managers, it happens if the margin between Barcelona and Real Madrid gets to big or failing to win a trophy. But you can get sacked after winning the La Liga even , you can ask Vincente DEl Bosquet. But it is well known fact that Julen Lopetegui is a dead man walking and could be sacked after the match and result of THE EL CLASSICO,THE CLASSIC, played with Barcelona. But the very big question here is how much would Real Madrid have to pay their manager, if sacked is the question. He has a contract till the year 2021 , so Real Madrid would have to pay him roughly 16, sixteen million pounds in all. Let me remind you all that Arsenal paid Arsene Wenger a yearly salary of 8, eight million pounds, here Julen Lopetegeui is getting double of Arsene Wengers salary, and that to for four months in all, while Arsene Wenger worked at Arsenal for 22, twenty two years for his eight million pounds. Exactly where is the logic at Real Madrid.? Actually Real madrid will have to pay 5.8 million pounds or six million Euros a year to their manager.

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