Sunday, October 28, 2018


Luis Figo had joined Barcelona from the Portuguese club Sporting Lisbon, while at Barcelona he was greatly loved and was a great servant to the club, he had a great fan following as well. Then in the year 2000 Barcelona was without Lionel Messi or Real Madrid had no Cristiano Ronaldo then, it was Rivaldo, Patrick Kluivert and Luis Figo for Barcelona and Ronaldo, Raul and Ivan Zambrano at Real Madrid. But things were going to change suddenly Real Madrid and Barcelona had president elections, and Real Madrid chose Florentino Peres as president. And he had a dream of buying Galaticos team and he was willing to pay Luis Figo's buyout clause of 36.5 thirty six and a half million pounds, and this greatly angered the Barcelona crowd, and Luis Figo became a hated person in Spain, so hated was he that when the El classic was played in the year 2002 it was unthinkable. The Nou camp was full to the brim with a sitting capacity of 100,000, one hundred thousand people in the stadium. Barcelona knew there would be noise so mikes were hidden under the benches, and the Real Madrid tam players Luis Figo was pushed into the riot police van and brought from the Airport. But what really angered the Barcelona crowd was Luis Figo always said he would not be leaving Barcelona, but he did go. as the match started the noise was so loud with open abuse to Figo, the mikes were taken and the decimal of noise was of a jet taking of , something not heard since then. Now Luis Figo took the corners and down came the coins, cigarette lighters, plastic bottles a whisky bottle as well. the Barcelona goalkeeper saved a corner tapped the ball out , another corner from the other side, more coins and lighters were thrown, then also came a full pig head when Luis Figo took a corner, it was insulting referring him to a pig. And this has not been seen since either every time Luis Figo took a corner a team of riot police would be there to protect him. It clear showed how much he was hated suddenly. That pig head is now still kept at the Barcelona trophy room.

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