Tuesday, November 6, 2018


A court in Brazil has given orders to see to it that the famous footballer and world cup winner Ronaldinho Assis, has to surrender his Brazilian passport. The big problem here is that Ronaldinho and his brother Roberto Assis, who was also the agent of Ronaldinho an during his playing days, he has retired from all football in the year 2015. Now the two of them Ronaldinho and Roberto Assis, had gone and built a property with out getting the proper permission to proceed with the work. The two Brazilians were fined a certain amount of money and these two Assis brother flatly refused to pay the fine and now along with the interest on the principal amount it has now reached a very huge sum of 1.7 million pounds. When the judge in court looked at the passbook of Ronaldinho , he was in for a very big shock, as the account had only 5, five pounds in it. Has another footballer gone bankrupt here? Now after Ronaldinho his had his passport confiscated, he no longer can go to Germany and other countries for charity work. But he still has a Spanish passport given to him during his Barcelona days.

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