Saturday, November 3, 2018


Is the Welsh winger Gareth Bale responsible for the trouble at Real Madrid? The fans and the Media think so after all he joined Real Madrid from Tottenham Hotspurs for a then world record transfer fee of 86, eighty six million pounds. But fans and critics say he has never ever done enough to do justice for the huge fee and weekly wages the number of goals he has scored are not good enough for mighty Real Madrid, and with Cristiano Ronaldo gone he has not stepped up on the chance to score more goals for the club. In fact Zinedine Zidane wanted to sell Gareth Bale for a 100, hundred million pounds, and buy Harry Kane for two hundred million pounds. But Florentino Peres was not having anything of that as he wanted to make the Real Madrid team work around Gareth Bale. After their meeting Zinedine Zidane resigned. But Gareth Bale has faild to take up the post of main goal scorer at Real Madrid, after the departure f Ronaldo.

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