Tuesday, November 13, 2018


These statistics of Manchester United should be worrying both Jose Mourinho, fans and the club as well. Manchester united are slowly slipping to a midtable club. 1) Manchester United have kept only one clean sheet in out of 12, twelve games, this last happed 40 forty years ago. 2) In the Manchester Derby Manchester United made only 346 passes , while Manchester City made 653 passes in all. 3) Manchester United lost their first four games that last happened in the year 1990. 4) Manchester United have now let in 21 twenty one goals in 12 twelve games , which equals the goals conceded by Chelsea, Liverpool and Manchester City combined. For a club under Jose Mourinho to leak in so many goals could mean it could reach 40, forty goals after 38 thirty eight games. Jose Mourinho last had so many goals scored against his club was with Real Madrid in 2011/2012, that year Real Madrid let in 41 goals in 38 games. Now what you must note here the goals were leaked in even after having David De Gea , as their goalkeeper , the best goal keeper in ngland for the past few years.

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