Tuesday, January 22, 2019


The Portuguese footballer Cristiano Ronaldo has been given his sentence and fine as well for Tax evasion , it was for dodging paying tax for picture rights ,and for investing the money abroad. Cristiano Ronaldo wanted a private trial, on the skype and to have been allowed to bring his car right into the court , but the judge was not having any of that, and request was flatly rejected. Cristiano Ronaldo has now admitted being guilty I n the tax evasion . His lawyer said it was a clear case of misunderstanding , and ill advised as well. So he has now got a suspended sentence of 23 , twenty three months and also has been fined heavily, to a tune of 16.5, sixteen and a half million pounds. But according to the Spanish law, people who have been found guilty for the very first time need not be imprisoned, but they will have to report to the law frequently. He was not the onlky footballer accused of tax evasion , as Lionel Messi, and Xavi Alonso , were also accused of tax evasion.

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