Saturday, February 23, 2019


It really looks like Manchester City are going to face F.I.F.A charges on the illicit deal of buying the highly talented star Jadon Sancho from Watford in the year 2015. So desperate were Manchester city to buy this young and talented footballer from Watford, who was only 14, fourteen in the year 2015, that Manchester City paid the agent Emeka Obasi, to get the deal done and dusted ,so they went and paid the youngsters agent 200,000two hundred thousand pounds. Now this is where Manchester United will get in trouble with F.I.F.A. According to the F.I.F.A rules no agent should be paid any money to get a transfer deal done until the boy is 16 years old, here Jadon Sancho was 14, fourteen years old. Now as the youngster Jadon Sancho was not getting a starting place at Manchester City so he joined the club Borussia Dortmund, where he is getting plenty of playing time at the club and he has scored quite a few of them. Now Manchester City had to pay Watford a huge sum of 66,000 sixty six thousand pounds., as according to F.I.F.A rules the club that sells a young player after buying him when he was a say a teenager , so the clubs who discovered the young talent will get money to do business. Now a few years ago Liverpool were found guilty by F.I.F.A in doing the dame thing and they were fined a 100,000 one hundred thousand pounds. And were also told not to buy a footballer from any youth academy around the world for a year. .

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