Friday, February 22, 2019


The Russian Billionaire Roman Abramovich, who is the sole owner of the English club Chelsea, e purchased the club Chelsea in the year 2003. And after spending really big on many players, some did very well like Petr Cech, Didier Drogba, Michael Essien, but there were very big players who flopped as well like Hernon Crespo, Andrei Shevchenko. But now a days things at Chelsea are far from good, the ship has now become rudderless ship. As Roman Abramivich is now not allowed to step into England as his Visa has long since expired, he used to attend every Chelsea match in those days to cheer the club on Now England have no desire to renew .his visa, after Russia tried to kill a double agent in England, and his young daughter as well. England were annoyed as the murder was attempted in English soil. The Prime minister has then refused to give him a new visa even I retaliation. Now the Russian owner has said he has no desire to extend the stadium at Stamford Bridge, and neither is he willing to make a new stadium for Chelsea, even before the visa problem, he was planning a bigger stadium , but now that is all shelved. He says if I can not visit England with a legal visa, then why should I spend millions of pounds on Chelsea. Chelsea this year are not playing in the Champion league as well there will be big loss of money as well. And if Chelsea do sack Mauricio Sarri, they will have to pay him five million pounds as compensation.

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