Wednesday, March 13, 2019


The Juventus striker Cristiano Ronaldo went and cored a hat trick in the champion league match against the Spanish club Atletico Madrid. Atletico Madrid came into the second leg of their group of sixteen match with a two goal advantage it was 2-0 in favour of Atletico Madrid. But Juventus and Cristiano Ronaldo had other things on their mind, he scored a hat trick , with the help of two goals headed in with real power and placing and scoring a third goal as well. This was Cristiano Ronaldo's eighth hat trick in the champion league matches. He has now gone and equalled the number of hat tricks of the leader Lionel Messi, who also has eight hat tricks to his name. This defeat t Atletico Madrid means that this Spanish club from Madrid, still has to win it's first ever Champion League in their history. Now Cristiano Ronaldo has the most goals in the Champion League , with a total of 124 goals, Lionel Messi has 106 goals in the champion league He also has the most assists as well in the champion league as well.

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