Tuesday, March 26, 2019


No the world cup winner Paul Pogba, who has openly said that he would love to play for Real Madrid, and it would be a real dream for it to happens. Now this has angered the Manchester United fans who have demanded that he be sold out in the summer. He has a notorious agent named Mino Roila , who is very money minded and he wants a bigger cut from clubs after selling players , the usual custom is the player and agent get ten percent of the transfer deal but here he has asked for much more then ten percent, and he prefers to ell his players frequently, so in the end he is making more and more money. Paul Pogba is today getting a yearly salary of 8.40 roughly eight and a half million pounds, he now wants Real Madrid to pay him a weekly salary more then Gareth Bale, wo is getting a weekly salary of 650,000, six hundred and fifty thousand pounds., he now ants a yearly salary of 13,65 thirteen point sixty five million pounds. But he must remember oe thing if he is going t get over 650,000 thousand pounds a week , then he must score six goals in each match, if he fails to do so then he is shamelessly milking Real Madrid.

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