Saturday, March 23, 2019


According to THE SUN, the French midfielder Paul Pogba has made t Manchester United fans angry as he had said with a feeling hat playing for Real Madrid would really be the best dream any footballer could have. Now Paul Pogba joined Manchester United , from the Italian giants Juventus for a then record fee of 89, eighty nine million pounds, and he is on a weekly salary of 290,000 two hundred ad ninety thousand pounds. But now he has said that he is seriously thinking of joining Real Madrid, and he knows it very well that Real Madrid under Zinedine Zidane are rebuilding so new players could join Real Madrid But his agent Roila Miola are working for the move, even Zinedine Zidane has sanctioned this move . But to buy the world cup winner Real Madrid will have to p[ay a very huge sum of money, nothing below 130, one hundred and thirty million pounds, and the weekly salary will always increase.

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