Friday, June 7, 2019


According to THE METRO, Barcelona have gone and made contact with Manchester United, over the talks to sign their very young striker Marcus Rushford. Now Marcus Rushford is not in any mood to sign up a new contract with his childhood club Manchester United, there have not been any talks with these two parties., and to make matters worse Marcus Rushford 's contract expires in the year 2000 Barcelona are looking very seriously in Europe and away to find a very god striker to replace the aging Uruguayan striker Luis Suarez., who will be reaching 33 thirty three years in January.. Barcelona are very aware that a young talented striker like Marcus Rushford, will not be coming cheap in any sense, the English club will demand an excess of 100, one hundred million Euros. But the Manchester United fans will not be taking this very well. But what could attract Marcus Rushford to Barcelona would be playing in the champion league each year, not any clubs can do that. By the ay Barcelona are the only club to play each year at the champion league, since it began.

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