Monday, June 24, 2019


In the group of sixteen match played between England and Cameroon, will be remembered for the wrong things the Cameroon side really were disgusting from football point of view. The behaviour of the Cameroon players was plan unpardonable players., and those guilty of acting roughly and insulting A Cameroon player even pushed the lady referee on purpose, and F.OI.F.A rules clearly say no footballer can touch a referee, Cristiano Ronaldo served a long ban for pushing a referee. The Cameroon player was yellow card for using her elbow on a English player. The first goal came from a mistake by the Cameroon goalkeeper who picked up the ball ,with a back pass, which is not allowed now.F.I.F.A changed the rules in the 1990s to avoid time wasting.This lead to a free kick and a goal as well. The second goal by White , was first declared not a goal because of a offside view, but V.A.R cleared it and the goal stood, the England scored a thrd goal. Cameroon had a goal disallowed for a offside goal. Later on in the game a Cameroon defender spat on a English player, but no red card was shown. Cameroon grouped I the centre of the pitch at half time, refusing to play any further,But finally they played on. Cameroon staff said F.I.F.A was racial to Cameroon, which is not true. The manager of the England team Philip Neville clearly said that none of these players would make it to the England team. Now what will F.I.F.A do ?

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