Friday, July 5, 2019


Arsenal are on a very, very tight budget it is only 45, forty five million pounds. But you must remember that the owner of Arsenal , with the most shares is Sam Kroenke, and he has not given Arsenal any money for five long years to buy players So Arsenal had a Algerian footballer at their club, but he did not play a single game for Arsenal his name was Ishmael Bonnecar , he was then sold to the Italian club Emboli , who were then in the second division in Italy, or Sierra B as it is called. But he was sold for a sum of one million Euros or 900,000, nine hundred thousand pounds. But the thing is this young Algerian did very well for himself, he scored a lot of goals as well as assists , and the club was promoted to Sierra A. But now Emboli are going to sell Ishmael Bonecar to A.C.Milan, for a sum of 14, fourteen million pounds. Now in his contract with Arsenal, and Emboli a clause was added that said if Emboli did sell Ishmael Bonecar , Arsenal would get a certain percentage of money from the transfer deal, so Arsenal will make a sum of four and a half million pounds.

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