Tuesday, July 30, 2019


The French winger Nicolas Pepe ,whose parents immigrated to France from The Ivory Coast. Nichols Pepe, as a boy had no toys to play as they were considered a luxury. So it was ball he played with and wanted to be a footballer. As a six year old boy with his first club, he was caught stealing chocolates, but very luckily the coach instead of terminating his contract at that club, he decided to give the young boy a second chance. He now becomes Arsenal's costliest player ever. e is a highly talented gifted player uses both his legs, can play as winger, striker, midfielder and defender as well, he also good at freekicks and penalties a all round footballer that will change results or Arsenal. But why did he chose Arsenal ,? Over Napoli, Manchester United, Liverpool, P.S.G and other clubs. He says he chose Arsenal over the other very big clubs, mainly he knows that Arsenal are known o give footballers from Africa big breaks, like Thierry Henry, Patrick Vieira, Bacray Sagna, , Alexander Lacerate, Pierre Emerick Abumayeang. Arsenal will pay up front to Lille 20,twenty million pounds, and the remaining 52, fifty two million pounds will be given in instalments in the next five years. Mind You Nicolas Pepe was costing 72, seventy two million pounds, the price went up as Arsenal are paying big money after five years. His weekly salary is cheaper then Wilfred Zaha.

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