Wednesday, July 24, 2019


The young sixteen year old boy named Xavi Simon, is the son of the Dutch footballer Rogelio Simon and his wife Peggy. He s named after the parents favourite footballer, former Barcelona midfielder Xavi Hernandez. The youngster Xavi Simon is a very talented footballer with the skill of Lionel Messi, the technique of Ronaldinho. The power of Ronaldo , and the vision of Andres Iniesta all rolled into one. He was captainof his team as well., THE ATLE> Now when there is such abundance of talent shown in a teenager, clubs like vultures were flying above THE LA MASSIA, THE CASTLE. Chelsea were very keen to buy him, but he was supposed to be the replacement for Lionel Messi. But sadly P.S.G has now stolen young Xavi Simon from the noses of Barcelona. But the real reason here is the agent of Xavi Simon , is the notorious agent Minoa Raiola , who is far to greedy as a agent, he wants footballers to be sold often so with each transfer he makes a big fat sum of money, but he never does think of the development of the kid Xavi Simon. Barcelona wanted to pay the teenager Xavi Simon 200,000 pounds a year. But the agent did not agree to this and as usual wanted more money. H has now signed up for P.S.G who else, will he regret this move just like Neymar is regretting his sale to P.S.G . By the way how much money does a sixteen year old kid need ? Or will Xavi Simon pay more attention to money then his football? If so sadly it will be a case of a highly talented youngster whose talent is wasted.

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