Tuesday, July 9, 2019


In the Copa America Cup, which is equal to the EURO CUP, that is in the EUTRO CUP, all the European countries registered under F.I.F.A , can qualify for the EURO CUP. Likewise n the COPA AMERICA, every country registered from the America continent from Canada to the south American countries can qualify for it. Now at the COPA America, 2019 held in Brazil, and in the semi final match played between Argentina and Brazil, Argentina were denied two clear penalties by the referee, and V.A.R was not even used by the referee. Brazil won that match 2-0 , a hollow victory with the help of the referee.. Lionel Messi was very honest and said the refereeing was horrible and favoured Brazil to win, there is big corruption in this CIO{PA AMERICA, and he match was rigged. And in the third place match for the Bronze medal , between Chile and Argentina, both Lionel Messi and the Chilean Gary Mendel head butted Lionel Messi, but the video clearly shows Lionel Mess trying to avoid the head butted, he was calm said nothing but tried to dodge the head butt, please note he did not retaliate, in anyway, so legally speaking he should not have been given a red card. But the real trouble was Lionel Messi pushed him in the back, after the ball ran out of the pitch. As Lionel Messi was not booked then it seems hard that he should see a red card for someone else's mistake. But let us see what the F.I.F.A RED CARD RULES SAY. A red card can be shown for the following things Dangerous play, abusive language, spitting, showing all the studs when sliding to tackle, bringing down the last man , and so preventing a legal goal scoring chance.And also for racial abusing on the pitch. Please note Lionel Messi did nothing of these things so legally he should not have been even shown a red card. The Paraguayan referee Mr Diaz, could have made a mistake showing the wrong card, a red instead of showing a yellow card. Or was tee Paraguayan referee angry with Lionel Messi, and organisers told him to show straight red card so Argentina would lose the Bronze medal . Or was the real reason to see to it that Brazil won the Copa America, In case you did not know Brazil have now won the Copa America every time they have held it. All the same the COPA AMERICA CUP IN BRAZIL WAS RIGGED , because the referee reused to use the V.A.R in the Lionel Messi red card, why have it and not use it , is the V.A.R just there to be pushed by JESUS In the brazil final against Peru.

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