Sunday, July 14, 2019


The Argentinean striker Lionel Messi, who is playing his club football in Spain with F.C.Barcelona. Now he has a very huge house a real big mansion , with all things for sports and for the family as well, after all he is the highest paid footballer in the world today. But he had a big headache once and had neighbour who was noisy, the family was noisy, and their dog kept barking and scaring his kids late at night. Now by nature Lionel Messi is a very quiet man, he is never seen fighting on the pitch , after being tripped or pushed he just gets up and starts going on with the game. So there was no question of Lionel Messi going and fighting with the noisy neighbour and his family. Lionel Messi just went and brought the neighbours house , and mind you it is a very big one too. The Spanish papers said that neighbours house was brought by Lionel Messi for over one million pounds. But now no Aeroplane can fly over these houses , mind you it is a very quiet and beautiful place completely full of trees greenery. But please note Lionel Messi had no part in this law that bans aeroplanes of any kind flying over the houses and near by greenery. It is the Spanish law. The reason for not allowing aeroplanes of any kind to fly there is banned, as the greenery has a lot of birds and animals as well as insects . The Spanish Law wants people to see that the birds do not get frightened by the aeroplane sound. In France nobody can fly a aeroplane over the Eifel Tower. And in the U.S.A you can not fly over the CAPITAL BUILDING.

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