Friday, September 6, 2019


Arsenal have gone and announced their Arsenal to play in the EUROPA League, this season., formerly called THE U.E.F.A Cup. Eyebrows were raised at Arsenal when the name of Joel Lopez was announced , he is a 17, seventeen year old Spaniard a graduate from the famous Barcelona youth academy called THE LA MASIA. He plays in the left back position for Arsenal, and last year he signed a contract with Arsenal at 17, seventeen years. And his football is similar to Jordi Alba , at Barcelona. Barcelona had no desire whatsoever to let him go, but luckily for Arsenal, Joel Lopez was having difficulty making his way into the famous Barcelona team, as there were already one or two left backs claiming that position, due to being two years older to Joel Lopez. Joel Lopez has also played for the Spanish team under 17 on the world stage. Arsenal has always had good relationship with Barcelona, and have brought a few Barcelona stars for Arsenal, like Cesc Fabregas, Hector Bellerin and now Joel Lopez. It was the had of Arsenal Raul Sanehelli who was working for Barcelona who helped getting the deal done finally.

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