Wednesday, September 18, 2019


The young French world cup winner Kylian Mbappe , had gone and said last year that he would be happy for a change and a have a new challenge in the year 2020. Now according to THE SUN, Zinedine Zidane the manage of the Spanish giants Real Madrid has said that Real Madrid and P.S.G have gone and agreed a deal in which Real Madrid would be willing to buy Kylian Mbappe , from P.S.G, for a very huge sum of 244, two hundred and forty four million pounds, just imagine that, then what will the weekly wages of Kylian Mbappe be is anybody's guess. But what we must remember here is that Real Madrid are not at all willing to pay 244 , two hundred and forty four million pounds , Real Madrid always lie to pay in instalments. For example Real Madrid will only be paying 35, thirty five million pounds first on the table the rest of this huge amount will be paid in instalments, for how many years will they pay instalments is not yet clear, but we will only get the real picture next year during the summer transfer window, w will also know what will be the weekly wages of Kylian Mbappe , as well. But Real Madrid have done this a few times like Gareth Bale and Luka Modric were brought from Tottenham Hotspurs this way. But what we must keep in mind here is that the other Spanish giants Barcelona are also keen to buy Kylian Mbappe in the coming summer transfer window. As Barcelona believe the transfer of Kylian Mbappe will be a far easier one and less complicated then the Neymar sale deal to Barcelona. But the point to remember here is will P.S.G sell Kylian Mbappe to Barcelona? As both clubs have their relations damaged after the Neymar sale.

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