Saturday, October 12, 2019


The Spanish giants Barcelona are willing to give their Darling of the club Lionel Messi a huge ten year contract to play on at Barcelona. That will mean Lionel Messi can still till be playing at Barcelona till he is 42, forty two years of age. Usually clubs only give a three year contract or a five year contract, and to give a ten year contract to a player who is already thirty two years , means only one thing and that is Barcelona have great faith in the football skills of Lionel Messi. Recently Lionel Messi came out to say that after his income tax problems in Spain, he wanted to leave Spain in 2013. PLEASE KINDLY NOTE HERE, That Lionel Messi that he wanted to leave never ever said that he wanted to leave Barcelona. Now hearing this Lionel Messi is delighted and has come to say he always anted to play for Barcelona if possible all his life. But the big question here is will Lionel Messi have it in him to play football till he s 42,forty two years of age? Let me remind you that Dino Zoff the captain of Italy in the year 1982, lifted the world cup at 40, forty years of age , he is he oldest footballer to lift the world cup.

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