Wednesday, October 16, 2019


Now the Spanish giants wanted to sell their 31, thirty one year old Croatian midfielder Ivan Rakitik , mainly because Barcelona wanted to balance their books, to avoid action from U.E.F.A , for breaking financial fair play rules. Barcelona were asking a sum of 35, thirty five million pounds for the Croatian player. Mainly as Ivan Rakitic has lost his place at Barcelona , and is lower in the starting line of Serge Busquets, Arthur Melo and Frenkie de Jong. a few clubs did show signs of buying him clubs like Manchester United, Inter Milan and Juventus are all keen to sign him up. But now his family has objected to a move to England as it is col and damp, and they prefer Italy instead. So it is another big blow for Manchester United. Or did he reject Manchester United as they are not playing in he champion league this year, and very well oud find themselves in a relegation dog fight by April next year.

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