Tuesday, November 5, 2019


The German giants Bayern Munich have one and sacked their former coach Niko Kovac , shortly after Bayern Munich lost their weekly match to Eichhart Frankfurt with a huge score of 5-1. And to make matters worse they re forth on the table. But the two main people to take over the managers job at Bayern Munich are Jose Mourinho and Arsene Wenger.Now Arsene wenger can speak German very fluently so that language would not be a problem here. The plus points with these two managers are both are unemployed now so no big compensation will be have to be paid by Bayern Munich. And both have won trophies abroad. Long ago Bayern Munich wanted to employ Arsene wenger , and so had held a meeting with Arsene wenger in the city of Nice. The meeting went of well and ony the signature of Arsene wenger wasremaining ,but what finally happened is not known ,as he deal collapsed completely , and Arsene Wenger flew to Japan to go and manage a club in Japan. Now Arsene Wenger is managing clubs from the age of 33,thirty three years to 69 years of age or for 36, thirty six years . and with Arsenal he was the manager for a 22, twenty two years.

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