Tuesday, November 12, 2019


It now looks more or less tat the Switzerland midfielder will be ;leaving Arsenal during the January transfer window for sure. The relations between the Arsenal fans and Granit Xhaka have now gone and reached zero point. The fans started booing Granit Zhaka in the match which Arsenal played Crystal Palace. The Booing was alright but then the Arsenal fans got very personal and started not only abusing Granit Xhaka, and even went tat far by cursing his daughter and wishing the little girl would contact cancer and diesoon. On hearing this Granit Xhaka told the Arsenal fans to F___ OFF. Here the fans are also guilty of making Granit Xhaka abuse the fans. So in THE SUN, which reported that Granit Xhaka was house hunting in Milan Italy, so a move to A.C.Milan is likely in the January transfer window. Now Ivan Gazidis the former C.E.O of Arsenal and now the C.E.O of A.C. Milan, is taking a big part in the transfer negotiations.

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