Wednesday, November 13, 2019


The Sporting Director of the Italian giants Juventus has flown down to England, for talks with Manchester United over h sale of their Croatian striker Mario Manduzik. Who has at the age of 33, thirty three failed to play a single match for Juventus this season. Manchester United are finding it difficult to core goals this season, so they want a new striker even if it is a short term deal. But Juventus are asking a transfer fee of 13, thirteen million pounds. But Manchester United were even feeling that the original fee of 10, ten million pounds was too much. But Juventus have a trick up their sleeve , a they re going to make a cheeky bid to buy the French world cup winner Paul Pogba from Manchester United as well. By the way Mario Manduzik is the only footballer in the world to score a own goal as well as score a goal in a world cup final match. And Manchester City must remember not to be to stingy in their talks as Mario Manduzik is also wanted by the clubs in the Major League Soccer in the U.S.A. so he is not short of suitors I must say.

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