Monday, November 18, 2019


Back in the year 2011 and it was Roman Abramovich's reign in England and Chelsea were once again a club in the top four of the English premier League. That year 2011 Chelsea were very keen to buy the Argentinean striker Sergio Aguero , who by the ay is the son in law of Diego Maradona. But Atletico Madrid around that time were facing a lot f problems both financially as well as they were a club that was demoted a few years earlier, and at that time of demotion the then star at Atletico Madrid Kiko refused to even take his weekly salary for that one year, this is club loyalty at it's highest I must say. Now Chelsea failed in their bid to buy Sergio Aguero from Atletico Madrid, and their Chelsea captain John Terry went and discouraged Chelsea from buying Sergio Aguero, as he then claimed that Sergio Agureo did not have good footwork on the pitch. But then Manchester City scooped down like a eagle and signed him up for a sum of 38, thirty eight million pounds. It was a very huge mistake on the part of Chelsea, letting Sergio Aguero slip through their fingers. Now during the eight years Sergio Aguero has been at Manchester City he has gone and scored 244 Goals in 353 three hundred and fifty three games. Sergio Aguero and Thierry Henry are the only footballers to play in England and score20, twenty goals in five years in a row. Now the Russian owner of Chelsea did not want to pay the 40, forty million pounds for Sergio Aguero, but he did pay Liverpool a sum of 50,fifty million pounds for Fernando Torres., who was a flop at Chelsea.

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