Monday, February 3, 2020


The world famous football manager Viktor Pozzo who won the then THE WORLD CUP , or the JULES RIMMET TROPHY , as it was then called till the year 1970, when Brazil won their third world cup and according to the F.I.F.A rules were eligible to keep it for ever, but sadly it was stolen by thieves in Brazil. And F.I.F.A then introduced the present WORLD CUP ,which is a rotating cup every four years. Now Viktor Pozzo won the world cup way back in the year 1934 and also in the year 1938. So he becomes the first manager ever two win two world cups and he also becomes the only manager ever to win the world cup twice in a row. We can also say he could have won a third world cup, had the second world war not happened , so the next world cup after 1938, was in serious doubt , as countries like England, Italy, Germany and France, all said they had no money to hold a world cup, as they wanted to rebuild their countries. But then came the world cup saviour in the form of Brazil, who then held the world cup in 1950, and the biggest sport was saved. Viktor Pozzo style of play was simple have a strong defence and a midfield that supplied good passes to the strikers.

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