Thursday, March 5, 2020


The Brazilian famous footballer Ronaldinho and his brother have been questioned and a investigation is going on if both the brothers entered Paraguay, on a false passport. Now Ronaldinho is the only footballer ever to win all the major trophies like world cup, La Liga, Copa Del Rey Cup, the champion league, the Italian scudetto Footballer of the year twice, as well as the Liberadoters cup, which is equal to the champion league cup in Europe, this cup is for clubs from both north and South America. Now along with his brother Ronaldinho had gone to Paraguay to release a book. But the police are now investigating their entry into Paraguay. The big problem here is that Ronaldinho , was investigated for tax evasion in the year 2019, and as he claimed in court that he had only five pounds in his saving account in the bank, he could not pay the money, so the Brazilian court had told Ronaldinho to surrender both his Brazilian passport as well as his Spanish passport. The Paraguayan interior minister said even as Ronaldinho is very much respected world over as a footballer, the laws of the land also be respected. The very big question asked here is did Ronaldinho use a forged passport to enter Paraguay?

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