Wednesday, April 15, 2020


The Dutch striker Dennis Bergkamp had gone and joined Arsenal from the Italian club Inter Milan,in 1995. for a then world record fee of 7.5. seven and half million pounds in the year 1995. Dennis Bergkamp was a graduate from the very famous youth academy from Holland called Ajax. He was a very skilful footballer with smooth silky passes , vision for goal, and a sound footballers brain. He and Thierry Henry were a terrific strike pair they literally sent fear down he spines of defenders and goalkeepers. Ian wright says Thierry Henry was to football to what Michael Jordan was to Basketball. Dennis Bergkamp was the main one he brought his D.N.A to Arsenal the players we willing to listen to him . After 1996 Arsene eWenger arrived and the rest is history. He played for Arsenal with a new contract each year according to Arsenal rules, which clearly states once a footballer reaches 30,thirty years he will get only a year contract , Dennis Berkamp payed for Arsenal till e was 39, thirty nine years old. Dennis Bergkamp was called the non flying Dutchman, the reason being after the 1994 world cup in the U.S.A , while returning to Holland the plane was caught in a storm and the plane started spinning. After this incident Dennis Bergkamp never flew in a plane again. For Champion n league games he used to travel by car if possible but , if there was no road travel he did not play in that match.

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