Thursday, April 30, 2020


 The Dutch striker Ruud Van Nistelrooy  was obsessed  with a burning desire to win the Golden Boot  at Manchester United.
 Now Ruud Van  Nistelrooy  joined Manchester United  from the Dutch club P.S.V. Eindhoven, for a sum of 19, nineteen million pounds in the year 2001, but actually  he was supposed to have joined  Manchester United  in the year 2000, but the deal was delayed as the Dutch striker had a knee injury , and Sir Alex Ferguson did not clear the deal for  him due to the medical reports.
 Now Thierry Henry and Ruud Van Nistelrooy played five years against each other Arsenal and Manchester United.
 Now Rio Ferdinand has said that Ruud Van Nistelrooy was obsessed with scoring goals to win the golden boot. So in five years   Thierry Henry won it four times and Ruud Van Nistelrooy won it only once.Rio Ferdinand says Ruud Van Nistelrooy would  run to the phone after matches and find out if Thierry Henry scored a goal or a assist.
 This is clear Ruud Van Nistelrooy had psychological  problems it was fear of losing out to Thierry Henry.
 The Dutch striker would sit in a corner sulking away, if Henry scored a single goal.

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