Sunday, May 17, 2020


  In the English Premier League history  clubs have had really good three strike force ,so let us see which three forwards make the top list  club wise..
1) Arsenal Thierry Henry , Robert  Pires and Dennis Bergkamp.
2) Manchester United . Wayne Rooney, Carlos Tevez and Cristiano Ronaldo..
3) Chelsea . Didier Drogba , Damien Duff, Arjen Robben.
4) Manchester  City. Raheem Sterling, Sergio   Aguero , Leroy Sane..
5) Liverpool. Sadio Mane, Mohammed Salah Robert Firmino .
 So looking at the number of goals scored we will find the best strike force..
1) Arsenal Thierry Henry. 94 Goals Robert Pires 46. Goals  Dennis Bergkamp . 24 Goals . total 194.
2) Liverpool . Mohammed Salah 57. Goals .Sadio Mane.37.Goals.Firimino 27. Goals  Total 121. Goals.
3)Manchester City. 1 )Sergio Aguero2)  Raheem Sterling. 3) Leroy Sane.. Goals Sergio Aguero31. Goals. Raheem sterling. 24. Goal, Leroy Sane.13. Goals. Total 68 Goals.
4) Manchester United.1)  Carlos Tevez, 2) Cristiano Ronaldo.  3) Wayne Rooney., Wayne Rooney34 Goals, 2) Cristiano Ronaldo. 17. Goals and  3) Carlos Tevez.  15 Goals. Total 56 Goals.
5) Chelsea. Didier Drogba, Damien duff and Arjen Robben.. 1) Didier Drogba  11 Goals,2) Damien Duff 4 Goals.30  Arjen Robben 6 Goals total goals 21.
 Please note  Chelsea goal total is little compared to others as both Damien duff and Arjen Robben  often had long injuries.
 Gary Neville claims that Carlos Tevez ,Cristiano Ronaldo and Wayne Rooney were the best strikers,but figures speak louder then words.

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