Wednesday, May 13, 2020


 The English F.A  have clearly lost their marbles here  and have come out with some crazy  ideas which are not at all practical ,. They want footballers to keep a distance and turn after tackling and so on.
 But fitrst  let me explain that it will be very difficult for the footballers to run around for 90, ninety minutes using a thick mask, breathing will be hampered greatly , all will be puffing and panting after all footballrs will be over weight as well, reckless tackles will increase after all this long break.. You are not going to get Corona virus by tackling or passing some one on the pitch. You must remember this Virus is a wet Virus, and not a dry virus.
 And you can only catch this corona virus, Chinese Virus or COVID 19  if somebody has the Corona virus  stands facing you ,  and the infected  person either sneezes in your face, coughs into your face , spits on your face or vomits near you by mistake, it ca n not be passed on to you  by touching curency notes or a parcel..
 And as the footballers referees and staff all have to undergo a Corona virus test , so there is no chance of  catching this virus.
 The English F.A. will only think of making money , but why can not the season be declared void.?
 England has not gone a single day without a death to this virus , the number stands at 900,8000, 7000 deaths a day. First get one ay inn the record book that shows no death has accured   a day is not gone leave a week without a single death is   far, far  away.

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