Friday, May 15, 2020


  Arsenal were looking out to buy a young and talented striker to replace their aging Dutch striker Dennis Bergkamp , who was aging but was still smooth a silk with his passing and scoring goals..The head scout for Arsenal  Stuart Rowling flew to Holland quite  a few times ,to watch the 20, twenty year old young striker at Feyenoord. He went to watch a match played between the Dutch giants Ajax and Feyenoord. Now Robin Van Persie , had given his gentlemanly word to the Dutch giants P.S.V. Eindhoven, of joining them next season at their famous Philips stadium..
 The Feyenoord fans were but angry  over his departure  and during the match, cons, lighters and beer bottles were thrown at him when he took a corner kick.
 Robin scored the winner against Ajax, and he impressed Stuart  Rowling..
 Now as luck would have it  Robin Van Persie , his father and cousins went to a hotel for a few drinks, and as luck would have it Stuart Rowling was staying at the same hotel, and they all met and talked, now Robin Van Persie knew Stuart Rowling from a earlier meeting .
Roin Van Persis's father told  Stuart Rowling what  you want to do   soon, or he will be join up with P.S.V. Eindhoven soon you have a day to work. Stuart Rowling  spoke to Arsene  Wenger from the table, and Arsene wenger was convinced  and the father agreed a transfer deal to Arsenal for a very small sum of 2.75, two point seventy five million pounds, so close was the deal slipping out of Arsenals hand by a few hours only in 2004.
Arsenal sold Robin Van Persie in 2012 for 24, twenty four million pounds, to Manchester United.
 Actually Robin Van Persie , need not have to play football as his father was a very famous Sculptor , and his mother was a famous artist in her own right as well.

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