Monday, June 1, 2020


 1) Lionel Messi is named after the famous POP Star Lionel Richie .
2) When ever Lionel Messi does score a goal for  Barcelona, he always  points both hands to the heavens. The reason being , when Lionel Messi was a small boy in Rosario  Argentina, it was his dear grand mother, who when  Lionel Messi was a kid would happily kick the ball around with the grand son.
 The point I ask here is did that late grand mother see anything in that kid  ,then which would have indicated  tat one day he would be a worlds best footballer.
 We football  fans are grateful to this grand mother to get Lionel Messi going. After all football flows in the veins of all South Americans.
3) Lionel Messi  is a big PLAYSTATION player.
4) Lionel Messi made his first contract with Barcelona in a  hotel, between George Messi, Lionel Messi's father , Carle's Racks hack , the scout who discovered Lionel Messi at Newell Boys.
 After the scout watched Lionel Messi playing he was happy and wanted to sign  the contract. But there was a major problem  little Lionel Messi , who was 13 thirteen years old looked like a five year old, he was suffering from Growth Hormone deficiency , and the father got impatient as Barcelona did not sign the contract, as the board were debating whether to spend the money for the treatment or not to spend. It would cost the club 150, one hundred and fifty pounds for a single injection, to be taken every month , for three years. Eventually Barcelona  agreed to spend the money on Messi ,rest is history.
 So as the club delayed signing  Jorge Messi wanted to go back to Argentina. The scout  asked the waiter to get a paper, but he got a napkin, and the contract was signed by he parties concerned.
 That contract was framed and hung in the Barcelona trophy room for all to see.

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