Thursday, July 9, 2020


This is absolutely unacceptable by the English F.A and English Premier league, on 9/7/2020 , there were three matches played in the E.P.L and three penalties were given , which were not supposed to have been given in the first place. Manchester United had a penalty give, and Tottenham hotspurs had a penalty call denied ., the referee Mr Michael Oliver refused the Tottenham Hotspurs penalty appeal,. José Mourinho sarcirstically but rightly said Mr Michael Oliver should be awarded the Man Of The Match. V.A.R was supposed to have made things easier and more transparent for players, clubs and fans., but so sadly it has become a hated thing cauing more hate, anger, confusion , and s expected the English referees do not have the faintest clue of what is happening on the pitch. Let us be honest the English referees ae so bad F.I.F.A did not take a single English referees to the 2018 world cup in Russia. These blind bats called English referees should be demoted as referees into the third tier. It makes me wonder if he English F.A purposely show a blind eye when referees side big clubs like Chelsea, Liverpool and Manchester United. The former referee Mark Hawksley openly said that we referees were told not to see somethings happening on the pitch . So referees are dummies' of the English F.A.? V.A. R. should be scrapped for good.Or appoint ex footballers to monitor the V.A.R not these idiotic referees.

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