Saturday, July 25, 2020


Pep Guardiola says that he will respect Arsenal, only for their football on the pitch, but he has no respect what so ever for Arsenal off the pitch. But why is he so very angry with Arsenal here.? Is it because Arsenal knocked out Manchester City from the 2019/2020 F.A. Cup semi final match. But it could be something much more deeper then we think. He could be angry as Arsenal signed his assistant manager Mikel Arteta from Manchester City, but it was Pep Guardiola who said that he would not stand in the say of Mikel Arteta's future at Arsenal. Or was it that Arsenal along with Liverpool and Tottenham Hottaspurs managers, had strongly criticized the decision made by C.A.S on favor of Manchester City's favor. Even Arsene Wenger had said Manchester City had broken Financial Fair Play rules back in2015.

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