Saturday, July 4, 2020


There were reports in the Spanish radio  that Lionel Messi  , wo according to his latest contract could be allowed to leave  Barcelona  , at the end of the 2021 season, so will he be leaving his childhood club he joined as a eleven year old boy..
 Now there are a few reasons here which are a big worry for both Barcelona and  Lionel Messi as well.
 1)  People  are under the wrong idea that it is Lionel Messi who id responsible for having  managers sacked.
2) People  also believe Lionel Messi  has the final word  on who Barcelona should buy and sell..
 And people also  say   that Lionel Messi  is responsible  for the Antoine Griezmann  not doing well at Barcelona, and they are not good friends on the pitch  and Lionel Messi does not assist the French striker for goals.
So let me answer these questions ,.
1) Lionel Messi is a player  and not the owner of Barcelona  , so he has no voice  in hiring and firing  of managers , it is the president  and board of Barcelona  who take the final decision.
 2) Lionel Messi  and Antoine Griezmann  are  very good friends , in fact   Luis Suarez , Lionel Messi  and Antoine Griezmann  with their wives and family all had gone out for a lunch the other day. If they re not friends then they would not be going out together.
 I personally feel   Lionel Messi will stay at Barcelona  and end his career there.

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