Saturday, August 22, 2020


Each time the contract of Lionel Messi is about to expire the MEDIA work over time with all sorts of stories of clubs wanting to sign him. But e will not be going anywhere as tgere are only two clubs oil clubs that too that may buy him, but that is also not sure. The two Clubs will have to sell most of their players and release a few of their staff as well to buy and pay him. The two clubs that could buy him are P.S.G and Manchester City. Now P.S.g are looking to replace Edison Cavani who left on a free transfer. And at Barcelona board there is a divvision in opinion if they should sell or keep Lionel Messi, as he ids 34,thirty four years now. But clubs should remember as according to the Spanish employment law everyy person employed will have to buy out clause in their contracct. So OIL CLUBS PLEASE REMEMBER Lionel Messi HAS A BIY OUT CLAUSE OF 634. Six hundred and thirty one million pounds. So I aak which club in the world can offord that much money,so his weekly salary will be huge roughly 600,000six hundred thousand pounds.

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