Thursday, August 20, 2020


The year was 2002 and Real Madrid had to play the German team Bayern Leverkusen in the champion league final then. But the first choice goalkeeper was injured and the Brazilian goalkeeper Julio Ceaser was standing for the goalkeeper. So Iker Casillas who was only nineteen years old then, and was attending night class at Real Madrid was told to pack his bags and fly to Germany to play Bayern Leverkusen. You must imagine at 19,nnineteen years to play in a chsaampion league is unimaginable for a youngster. But as luck would hhave it Julio Ceasar, when jumping high to stop a shot on the goal landed awakardly and injured his leg badly , and had to leave the pitch. Enter Saint Iker, the teenager came and stood between the goalposts , the Real Madrid fans were wondering if this youngster would make mistakes due to nervousness. But Iker Casillas had nerves of steel, he made saves after saves and frustrated the Bayern Leverkusen playrers again and again. And Real Madrid won the match with a Zinedine Zidane winning goal. He won the champion league at 19,nineteen years even before he got his driving licence.

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