Wednesday, December 23, 2020


  It is nothing new Manchester United have always been favored on the pitch by the English referees. Big fans of Manchester United were Mike Riley and Howard Webb.

 Now in the Carabao cup match played between Manchester United and Ever ton, which Manchester United won with goals from Edison Cavani and Anthony Martial.

 But Edison Cavani should have seen a red card,for catching Yari Mira  by the throat.and pushing him to the ground, for all to see, except this blind bat of a referee.

 Please note F.I.F.A rules do not allow players  touching players. It is a red card offence. But here not a yellow card was shown.

 Let me remind you that the Arsenal midfielder Granit Zhaka, was shown a straight red card for catching a player by the throat.

 So Manchester United have different rules and the rest of the clubs have different rules.

Let me remind you that the English referees are such useless referees not a single English referee was selected by F.I.F.A to referee in the 2018 word cup/DISGUSTING isn't it.

So just how many trophies did Manchester United win with a great help from the referees during Sir Alex Ferguson long and trophy laden career.

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